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Nepean River (c1890), 2022
albumen photograph, oil, linen, KoPro VL flock, 75x40cm
exhibited at HOTA (Home of the Arts), QLD
exhibited at HOTA (Home of the Arts), QLD

The Pope watching circus clowns in a boxing scene with a kangaroo during his weekly audience at the Vatican yesterday. 1988/2024
oil on cotton rag (left), decommissioned news archive photograph (right)

Archeron River c.1970/2024
purchased painting, sanded pigment hand ground with undeveloped silver-gelatin emulsion, 56x66cm
exhibited at Cowra Regional Gallery
exhibited at Cowra Regional Gallery

Jamieson Victorian Alps, c. 1880/2024
oil on canvas (left), 19th century Albumen photograph coated with undeveloped silver nitrate in light safe film changing bag (right)
exhibited at UniSQ Art Gallery
exhibited at UniSQ Art Gallery

Early Morning and Mt. Feathertop Bright Vic. 1974/1988/2024
purchased paintings, sanded pigment hand ground with undeveloped silver-gelatin emulsion
44.5x52.5cm (left), 44.5x44cm (right)
exhibited at Hahndorf Academy
44.5x52.5cm (left), 44.5x44cm (right)
exhibited at Hahndorf Academy
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